Tuesday, August 16, 2005

to write or not to write.....

writer's block...thats what I have been having these days..or not...cos to have that I need to be a writer in the first place! I have logged in many a times,to log smart quotes, the thrills, the disappointments, the thoughts and all the rigmarole that has been buzzing in my head and try to get it off the top of my head but all I see is blank..everytime but this time I have decided to write out the blank sheet on my head..the apparently blank sheet.Apparently because by blank, I think of white and isnt white the color that reflects everything? Hmm..now thats quite a thought.
Speaking of thought, a recent incident reminds me of a fact that looks so simple upfront but so complicated and intricate within the layers of the mind.There is a way one can be happy ever after.And that is too let go ..of every wish , every attachment and yet, we are trapped..trapped in a vicious circle for, we attach ourselves to things which we think will lead us to happiness but what we are leading ourselves to may not be the destination that we seek
As an aside, I just remembered an argument I had with a staunch supporter of the Pandavas in the Mahabharata who claimed the victory of the pandavas was the victory of dharma.Although I did this just to irritate my friend who could be easily irked, I told him, that the Duryodhana was the rightful heir to the throne since his father lost it only due to a physical disability which was not inherited by him and that administration-wise as well, Duryodhana was par excellence. The only reason the pandavas won the war was because Krishna was on their side which proves one point- even if one is a loser, being on the side of God can make all the difference to one in life.I dont know where that came from..but pretty smart huh??


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