Sunday, October 16, 2005

a colorful digression

Landing in Philadelphia was biting through a giant sandwich of fog.It was bright and sunny up high in the sky and down below was a thick blanket of clouds and as we hit the vapour, kept encountering layers and layers of it.At that moment , I simply wished I had this giant broom with which I could sweep all the clouds away and let the sun shine through.I just couldn't help thinking of the sun far beyond the clouds after I landed- I knew it was out there when it was lashing and pouring rain on the streets of boston when I was out there to have a good time..and I did nevertheless.

I was always under the impression that Boston, New Jersey, New York and the sort, ie most of the East Coast in general carried a certain coldness and callousness as a remisnisence of their English past.So I kinda assumed no-one would actually notice that I was the only girl in sight who was in a skirt and a pink one at that!The stares I got were definitely noticable, one to the extent that a girl refused to take her eyes off me inspite of my trying my time-tested technique of staring was supposed to make her uncomfortable!Throughout my trip, I had continued to dress in vibrant colors so reminscent of the Arizona sun and its colors and not to mention, continued to get those looks from people so much so that I got so used to them that they were banal.On a flowing long yellow skirt I wore, my cousin commented that the papers the next day morning would carry news about a UFO (Unidentified Floating Object) - so much for being a contrast.....

Glad to be back in Arizona where summer colors are still welcome .....and thank God for that!


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