Friday, October 28, 2005

thoughts on a manic Monday

I have quite a picturesque view from the window in my office.Right down below my window is the parking lot beyond which is a hustling eating joint, Daisy and Duke's set across the background of a landmark of ASU, the A mountain. The 'A' on the mountain is usually yellow, gold to be technically right which is one of the colors of ASU, maroon and gold except during the first week of classes when its painted white to mark the beginning of the semester.That day, however ,someone had decided to grace the 'A' with maroon spots and sure, it did brighten up the A. It was a prank by someone who probably did it for the kick of doing something taboo.But what I really didnt understand was who would actually bother to do something like that just for the heck of it?

It reminded me of 'Hack', a group of students in MIT whose identity is sworn to secrecy and whose primary goal was to play pranks with baffling ingenuity.Some of the noted 'achievements' of the group that dates back to the early 1930s were

- Hanging down a truck and a dummy cow from a dome that had no straight entrance of any sort...its one thing to imagine how they even got up there let alone manage to dangle a truck from there!

-Hiding the President's office completely with posters and announcements

-Turning every chair in a class( which was in an auditorium) away from the professor

-Handing out instructions on how to make paper planes among freshmen and passing it off as assignments.It had them make it and instructed them to aim it at their professor at 11:15 am sharp .And surely enough, the next day the professor was bombarded with planes from all directions and he had no clue why!

-Changing traffic signs "walk " and "dont walk" to "chew"(whoa...???)

-Changing ancient inscriptions on the domes of the buildings to garbage.

Sounds like nerds can be fun huh?


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